Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Adapt and Overcome

As I had posted a few weeks ago, I have a foot that's pretty banged up.  This also doesn't include the opposite knee that's a little upset with me overall.  So with that, I've had to adapt my workouts so that I didn't feel broken or anything after I finished with my workout.

Some things don't hurt when I do them.  Prior to the foot injury, I was able to do barbell lunges fairly well (check it out on instagram!).  I had a difficulty with squatting due to my knee hurting and being a general pain in the ass for the span of a couple of days after.  Now, lunges hurt because of the angle that my foot is in while I perform the lunges and squats so far don't seem to be too bad.

Running is also something that I can't do for the time being.  I was really enjoying going out for runs, as it was relaxing.  Now, the impact hurts and forces my foot to throb for awhile.  So I can do things like the elliptical, which honestly is boring for me, or what I did the other day and would seriously consider again was to hit a heavy bag while I listened to some music (for the duration of the music) and then find a song that had a good rhythm and used the battling ropes.

With this, I ended up doing about 20 min of bag work and nearly 5 min straight on the ropes, which if you've ever done them you know is hard.

This is how I've had to adapt my workouts to still get what I need but without compromising my injury.  My sparring has diminished significantly due to this and it's sad, because that's where I can get some of my stress out.  But, after my vacation next week, all things should be back to normal.  

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