Friday, June 2, 2017

Nutrition Challenge

As I talked about what I'm doing nutritionally last week, I thought to challenge you all to something that you can do relatively easy.  Unlike most nutrition plans, which force you to omit certain foods, I would like for you to time how long it takes for you to eat each meal, and write that time down.

This challenge is simple, for the first 3 days time each meal that you consume.  I use the stopwatch function on my phone, which sits there and allows for me to view it while I eat.  Next, write those times down on a post it or in a notebook, or share it in the comments section.

For any meal that you eat in under 15 minutes, these will be where you focus on first.  My suggestion would be to time for 10 minutes, and chew slowly, set the fork down between bites, and enjoy your food.  After 10 minutes, sit for 5 minutes.  This time can be spent engaged in conversation, messing around on your phone or whatever, just don't eat.  If you're still hungry, set the timer for another 10 minutes and continue with what you've done.  After, do not eat for 5 minutes and continue the cycle if you feel as if you need more food.

This process should allow for you to feel full.  Which in fact you are.  If you're anything like I am normally, I eat super fast.  To give you an idea of how fast, I can eat a foot-long sub in under 10 minutes if I want to.

This process isn't easy, but it does allow for much more wiggle room than conventional dieting goes.  It also is the way we as humans should be eating rather than the quick & ravenous way we normally eat.

Good luck!

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