Wednesday, July 26, 2017

The adventures of the dad-bod

In early-mid May I peaked in my overall body weight.  It was the highest weight I had ever been and honestly I felt horrible.  There are several reasons to why this was so:

1.  Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of cardio.
2.  I had been lifting pretty regularly, like 4-5 days per week regularly.
3.  I wasn't exactly eating all that great.
4.  I honestly didn't realize that I got there.

Truth be told, my pants still fit, I still could spar, and I really didn't see myself as fluffy as I was.  This was about 2 months ago (I write this on July 25 and will post on July 26th).

Now, I'm down about 12lbs from that point.  There are several factors coming into play with this.  They are:

1.  I'm running regularly, and enjoying it.
2.  I'm still lifting, but only hitting the major lifts so that I don't reduce my strength.
3.  I'm paying more attention to my calories.  The nice part is that I can have my kryptonite (oreos)at night if I'm under my target.
4.  I weigh in almost weekly.

My pants fit better, I fight faster, but am still somewhat fluffy.

It's just that I got lazy, like many people who work all the time and have kids.  My drive wasn't really there, and the discomfort that came with it didn't help at all either.  I'm glad that I've taken hold of what was needing to happen for me to change, otherwise I'd be even heavier and perhaps more rundown.

I'm motivated by losing my dad-bod.  I'm motivated by having people hold me accountable for my weight.  And I'm motivated because of the cadences found on Spotfiy.

I fight the same war as many of my clients.  The difference is that I'm the crutch for them to lean upon, and not vice versa.  This war will be won, with small victories eventually leading to large victories.  

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