Monday, May 22, 2017

Vacation Mode

As you may have noticed, or not, that last Friday I didn't post anything.  I was on vacation with the family and I truly attempt to leave work and play separate.

We were camping in the Great Smokey Mountains and it was fun, minus the 90+ degree days we were experiencing at the time.  Which leads me to my next and heat.

I'm not sure if you've noticed, but you tend to eat less when you're warm.  We were walking around for hours in the heat and honestly I never really felt hungry.  We did eat, but mainly small meals that we had prepared ourselves, which is contrary to what we usually do when we head over there.  The nice part about essentially bringing your own place with you, in our case a camper, was that we can have more reasons to prep and cook our own food than we did before.

Ironically, I have a client who the week before went to some of the same places and she usually has a better diet than I do, but in her case, she was eating most of the dine-out or fast-food options that there are there, which is super-contrary to her goals.  But she wasn't alone, she was with her husband and friends and thus was somewhat subject to what they wanted.

Nutritionally, we did pretty well considering we had a whole bunch of southern cooking near us and if you know anything about that is that it tastes good and isn't good for you.

I'll be back on schedule this week so look forward to having the Friday post.  

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