Friday, May 5, 2017

All shapes and sizes, like round.

If you follow me on Instagram, you'll see that I'm trying this hashtag called #fightthefluffy.  I won't lie to you, I'm pretty new at the Instagram game and I'm still trying to work it in my favor.  In any case, #fightthefluffy truly explains what I'm trying to do in my life, and in the life of others.

This brings me to body-typing.  I would be what's considered an endomorph, or as I prefer to call it....fluffy.  I can put on both fat and muscle pretty easily.  Thus, if I lift I can get muscular with a fair amount of fat over all of it.  Or, if I eat what seems like anything, I gain fat pretty easily.  This forces me to modify my training and dietary regimen as I become hyper-fluffy.  Therefore to be successful at being a little leaner, I need to do cardio and low-carb.

The next body type, of which I have secondary characteristics of is an ectomorph.  These individuals have a difficult time gaining both muscle and fat.  Generally, it takes a bunch of food and lifting to get any kind of mass.  These are usually runners or cyclists or any endurance athlete.

Final type, of which I pretty much I have no characteristics, is a mesomorph.  Mesomorphs are usually lean and muscular.   These individuals have an easy time gaining muscle and tend to stay lean.  Wrestlers and running backs fit this profile pretty well.

There you have it, body types.  This helps to guide training and dietary methods because obviously, some have a harder time to gain muscle and fat than others.  So think about yourself and how easy or difficult time it is for you to gain or lose fat and muscle and you'll get an idea of what type you are.  

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