Monday, May 29, 2017

Mixing it up

As many of you have noticed, I've been doing video posts for the last couple of weeks.  Mostly, I want a handle on how I'm going to do posts going forward.  Sometimes, I get more out of being able to speak what I would like to say rather than write what I'd like to say.  Therefore, I'm going to make an attempt at both.

Yes, I know I do my video posts from my car, but it's the one place that I can do a video without being interrupted at any point.  I also choose not to do any workout videos, because like you really want to watch me run?  It also happens that sometimes when I lift, I'm in a room that's really busy with music and activity and so it's difficult for me to set up my phone to do some good footage.

With that being said I'm going to make more of an attempt to mix it up.  Thus, you'll be seeing written posts such as this one, video posts of me talking about things, and content posts of me lifting/running/boxing, with a commentary.

Much of what I've posted for the last few weeks has been an experiment in what to do and not do regarding my posts and I feel that this structure would serve the best.  More to come soon!

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