Monday, April 17, 2017

Before you take that swing.....Relax?

In continuation of my golfer's fitness series, I wanted to start out with something that can easily be the game-changer, regardless of your ability.  If you can relax, and as long as your mechanics aren't crap, you should be able to play pretty well regardless of the surrounding circumstances.

Obviously, this is intended for the golfer who's been at it for awhile, not the novice.  And realistically, there's a lot of carry-over into other areas of fitness, and to life in general.  In some cases, it seems contradictory to "relax" especially when you need to focus or to tense up or whatever, but it's not a bunch of BS and it can help you perform better!

Not everyone performs at their best under "relaxed" conditions, so I must include this point before everyone tries it and some fail.  Relaxation is a form of focusing the energy needed to accomplish the task.  This isn't to say that you're not tensed or ready to perform, but you block out a lot of negative incoming energy and focus only on what you can control, which is yourself.

Before you swing the club towards the ball, just "white" out.  When I go to do this with a golf club, kickboxing, or weightlifting I envision nothing but blank white space.  It's kind of like the old static on the TV, but just more blank than static.  From here, I go with what my body knows whatever the task at hand.   Usually, I perform significantly better, smoother, and faster when I "white out" than when I am too determined at whatever it is that I'm doing.

Sometimes, deep breathing helps out tremendously.  Going to the blank space and taking a few deep breaths can help you get into the zone you need to perform at a better rate.  I usually take 3 breaths and that clears me up and then I do my thing.

There is some research out there as well to point to mental relaxation and performance.  The Soviets had done extensive research on this subject with their athletes research (America!) and are still discovering the merits to relaxation.
and likely killed them if they didn't win, you know...communism.  We even caught onto the bandwagon with our own

So relax and you'll see your golf game improve.  Relax and see your life improve.  

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