Tuesday, March 27, 2018

5 Tips to Boost Productivity!

Make no mistake, I'm not an expert in productivity, at least in the direct sense.  How I consider myself to be pretty good at productivity considering what I do in my day-to-day routine.  I've chronicled in a previous post how I go about my day, and here are some tips that may help lead you to be more productive during your day. 

  • Wake up early
    • This doesn't have to be super early, but 15 min can be a game-changer
  • Plan ahead
    • I have certain things that change day to day and I go ahead and plan/schedule them a few days in advance
      • Meal Prep
      • Social Media Posts
  • Be on time
    • The Marine Corps taught us that "Fifteen minutes early is on time.  On time is late.  And late is you're dead."  I live by this and it helps. 
  • Don't sweat the small stuff
    • I tend to remain fairly low-stress.  Sometimes a large thing catches me off-guard, but nothing I can't handle.  Learn how to deal with daily stress though exercise, meditation, or even just talking through it and you'll see a change.  
  • Pray
    • Pray often.  When you ask the Lord to help you with your problems, stress, and life...He Will!!!!  Pray in the car, pray in the shower, pray everywhere!  When you can do this, I promise your life will change.  
I'm often in awe of people who look at me and what I do in awe.  This is because how I do my life is normal for me, and I find it to be nothing special.  What I outlined in the 5 tips is what I do regularly and seem to be able to maintain my lifestyle (and my family's) long-term.  

Give it a shot and let me know how it goes!

Monday, March 26, 2018

Biblical Wellness Coaching Contest!

If you've followed me for awhile you have seen the metamorphasis from just self-branding to the creation of my coaching platform, Biblical Wellness. 

Biblical Wellness is something that I wanted to create so that I may spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to more people and to impact their own lives through coaching in fitness & nutrition. 

I want to tell you about a promotion that you can enter to win!

Head over to my contest page and enter to win a month of free coaching ($200 value).  What you'll get:

  • Accountability Coaching to keep you on track
  • Fitness program customized for you
  • Nutritional Program customized for you
  • Unlimited text/Facebook Messenger (I have an Android, so this is preferred when interacting with iPhone's)
  • Weekly video chat
  • And more!
I'll be closing it down on April 8 and announcing the winner on April 9.  

This is online coaching, so what you get is entirely remote.   I provide much through Facebook Messenger and Google documents/calendar.  

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Another Glimpse, freestyle!

My freestyle boxing workout.  This took place after a day of kicks.   Focusing on my hands work and I definitely made some mistakes, but those can be fixed.  Thanks for watching.  Please "Like" and "Share" this post. 


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

How to eat for fat loss?

You wouldn't think that when you want to lose weight, specifically fat, that you'd be eating all of the time.  However this is exactly what you end up doing.  It's actually fairly simple, but nevertheless it's something that we tend to mess up when we try for it. 

The numbers add up differently for different people.  Men vs. Women.  Large frame vs. small frame.  Active vs. sedentary.  This can go on and on.  

Overlooking some of the numbers (like calories), some basics are that you should have vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, etc., at every meal.  You should be eating protein, not avoiding it.  Protein helps you feel fuller longer, plus it aids in fat loss.  Carbs, usually a villain, is also important as it provides you with energy. 

Regular measured out portions help for you to feel full, to burn fat, and to stay in top performance.  An example break-down follows: 
1.  Breakfast: Eggs w/ spinach & mushrooms
2.  Mid-morning Snack:  Protein Shake
3.  Lunch:  Sweet Potato, Chicken Breast, Broccoli
4.  Mid-afternoon Snack:  Tuna, Cauliflower florets, oats
5.  Dinner: Rice, Fish or Chicken Breast, Kale, Spinach, Cabbage
6.  Post Dinner-  Protein Shake

This is just an example, as you may not like some of the foods (as in my case with the rice & kale).  It's always good to begin with an inventory of what you like and dislike, maybe a trip to the grocery store and surveying the foods in the produce section.  

Also notice that there's not much fruit on the menu.  Fruit is good for you but naturally high in sugar, so it's best to be around a workout rather than any other time.  

I hope that this give's you an idea of how to eat and when.  
You can get more information, challenges, and accountability through Biblical Wellness
"Like" & "Share" this post if you want to help others.  

Thursday, March 15, 2018

A glimpse into a workout

This entire video is only a brief clip of one of my workouts.  Regarding the circuit, I did 5 rounds of that circuit and with the kicks, another 20 or so minutes on top of that.  Please let me know if you've got questions.  Like & Share this post.  

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

How to manage your time and do everything!

If you've been following me for awhile, you know that I do a lot on an average day.  While some seem to think that I'm partially superhuman, it's just that I feel like I manage my time pretty well.  So, in light of all this, I wanted to go ahead and break down my day and my suggestions to you to manage your time well so that you can do everything.
My day:

  • 5:00-5:30 wake up + magical liquid (coffee)
    • Usually checking emails (10-15 min)
    • Livestream devotional or prepare content for my Facebook Page  (20-30min)
    • Finish or work on any school work that needs to be done (20-30 min)
    • Prepare mine & kids' lunches (10-15 min)
  • 6:15-6:45; depends on the day, shower and get ready to leave
  • 7:00-7:30; Get to work and begin training
  • Anywhere from 10-2....workout
    • Depends on cancellations, open time periods, etc. 
    • Duration sometimes dictates what I'll do
      • Short workouts are usually lifting/sprint based
      • Long workouts are usually a run (weather permitting)
  • 5:00-6:00; Leave work
  • 6:00-8:00; Dinner, Kids' bath, Kids' sleep
    • Yes, in that order
  • 8:00-10/11:00
    • Wife time
    • School work time
    • Live-stream event
    • Bed
This is an average day, not including the weekends.  To me this is just the norm, and I couldn't honestly figure out my life if it wasn't this way.  I don't write in a planner or anything, though I do sometimes use a Google Calendar to keep me where I'm supposed to be, like logging in my food or what I'm supposed to be teaching on that particular day.  

My best suggestion is to start off by getting to bed and waking up consistently every single day.  This is one of the most difficult habits to get into and can be the make-it or break-it part of your day.  Next, keep the social media to a low; most of my social time is in the morning because I'm posting or doing whatever for my Biblical Wellness page at that time.  

Since I'm a student (MBA, Liberty University '19) I do my school-work at night when I can have a block of time to knock it out.  Depending on the class, that's 1000-3000 words per week which I can get through fairly quickly, having a MS already helps since I'm fairly familiar with the research process.  Sometimes, I'll be watching whatever we have DVR'd at the same time (kind of like I'm doing as I write this).  So, the take home to this section is to do your tedious/large work at the time that you have the longest period available.  
  • Sleep/Wake at consistent times each and every day
  • Workout when you can, it's best to do a hard 5 minute workout than none at all
  • Keep Social Media at a low, unless you absolutely need to get onto it
  • Stretch or do some light workout while watching TV
  • Use your longest time-blocks to do your most relaxed work
These are just some suggestions in getting stuff done.  They seem to work for me and I just wanted to pass it along to you.  Now, if you need to write it out and put it into a day-planner, then go ahead; better to do that and be successful than not do it at all.  

If you have questions or need help in your time management, head over to Biblical Wellness on Facebook and shoot me a message.  God Bless!

Thursday, March 8, 2018

My weight-loss workouts

Since January 26th, if you've been following along, I've been in the midst of a weight loss program.  I've battled my weight off and on for much of my life and it became much more challenging once I had kids.  Granted, it's not because I had the kids myself (high-five to my wife on this one), but because of the sleep deprivation and the change in schedules (kids are chaos). 

I have several workouts I've been working through while engaged in my weight loss journey.  Most of them are cardio, but some weights so that I can maintain some amount of muscle mass.  So here it goes:

  • Running (3, 4, & 5 miles so far) = Outside when the sun's out
  • SkiErg= A machine by Concept 2 that is similar to a rower, but mimics Cross Country Skiing
  • Elliptical= Not my favorite, but burns some calories
  • Treadmill= One of my most hated machines, cranking up the incline and going for a rigorous walk
  • Prowler= If you're not familiar with this, then you don't want to know
  • Jump-rope= Not a fan of double unders, but just some basic footwork & Time
  • Boxing/Muay Thai= My favorite fitness, just having the privilege to hit a bag or spar a person is exhilarating
  • Weights= Deads, squats, pull-ups, kettle-bell swings.  All the big-boys.  
Often, what I've done is a combination of some of these.  For instance on Tuesday this week I did a circuit of barbell squats and SkiErgs.  Last week was Boxing & Jump Rope.  Some days it's Ski's, Treadmill, Elliptical, and more!  So it depends on what I want that day. 

Regarding the lifting, I only shoot for 1-2 days per week so I can cut mass.  I also integrate it with some of the cardio, but mostly just the ski's.  

Anyway, that's my general workout routine (sort of), seems all over the place, but I do have a rhyme or reason behind everything I do.  But if you need inspiration, take a look at what I put above and begin to work on a plan for you.  It'll change your life.  

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Thursday, March 1, 2018

What I take & What's my plan.

Each and every day are different.  Some are easy and some are hard.  Nutritionally, I modify each day according to a few different things, which I'll tell you below:

  • Sundays, Mondays, Thursdays, & Fridays= Atkins level low carb (not full keto, but closer to 50g of carbohydrates on these days.  
  • Saturdays & Tuesdays = 24 hour fasts (not eating until dinner)
    • Saturdays have the cheat meal to close it all out
    • Tuesdays have a normal meal, meaning whatever my wife prepares.  
  • Wednesdays have been, at least lately, my normal to high carb day.  
Now, this was after a 2 week ketosis primer (<25g carbs).  It was challenging, but easy to maintain for that short amount of time.  Currently I'm still in weight management mode, but it's much easier with the addition of some carbs.  

My foods generally look like:
  • Green vegetables such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, asparagus, bell peppers, celery
  • Lean proteins such as chicken, tuna, or eggs.....sometimes red meat (if we have steak leftover)
  • When I do have carbs, it's usually sweet potatoes or butternut squash.  
I usually don't eat until 1030 in the morning or later, most days.  On fast days, that's dinner.  

Supplementally, I keep it simple.  There are some daily but some are specific to a day or two.  
  • Protein supplements.  My goal is 1g/lbs of body weight, so around 200g per day.  
  • Greens supplement.  My fast days need something to preserve muscle mass, so this helps provide vitamins and minerals. 
  • BCAAs.  Same thing with the fast days, but it's entire purpose is preservation of muscle. 
  • Digestion pre/pro-biotic.  Digestive health, feel better, live better. DAILY
I keep it simple and purposeful for myself.  I've lost about 5 inches or so in the last month and continue to feel and move better every single day.  This took some trial & error and some strategic
planning to fine tune.  I have some other strategies that I employ to keep me on track (my clients too!).  But I wanted to let you all know what I've been doing to get it done.