Monday, December 11, 2017

Challenge Accepted: A public declaration of fitness

A week or so ago I posted about the challenge that is December.  With all of the Christmas parties, unhealthy meals, alcohol, and only God knows what, we tend to fall off the wagon and gain a pound or two.  I won't lie to you and say that I'm off the hook.  I love the deserts and foods that are associated with the holidays.

I battle my weight just like many other people.  I go through those periods to where I don't want to work out or eat well, and I basically let myself go.  Now, the one thing that I do which is unlike many, is to plan my eating and my workouts several weeks in advance.

Now with this being said, I want to publicly acknowledge of a few things I'll be doing in the forthcoming months.  With this admission, I expect you to hold me accountable as well and if I fall off the wagon, hold me to it.

First, I plan on doing some sort of bodyweight or barbell exercise every single day.

Second, I plan on improving mine and my family's eating by focusing more on vegetables and less on starchy carbohydrates (I'm pretty sure my wife's on board with this).

Finally, I plan on sharing with you at least every other week either what I've done dietary-wise or fitness-wise.

All of this helps to hold onto accountability.  By publicly declaring my intention, I now have you to help me stick to it.

I won't lie to you, this won't be easy.  There are days that we come home from work late and Chick Fil A is the easiest choice.

This was my declaration to you and the challenge to myself.  What is it that you'll be declaring to the world as a challenge to you.

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