Wednesday, March 22, 2017

What are you made of?

What challenges you?  Do you ever really see what you can do either mentally or physically?  If you haven't, why haven't you?  If you have, what did you do with that knowledge?

For myself physically, it's the deadlift that I consider my challenge.  It's also a lift that I'm not terrible at.  It's widely considered the "king of the lifts" because of it's muscular activation and neural activation.  I enjoy the rawness to it, as it cannot be cheated.  My challenge with it is to constantly improve it without taking out any other aspect of my life.  Every time I attempt a max to it, my body is extremely fatigued for several days afterward, which I consider the worst part. 

Mentally I'm always looking for some type of challenge.  To engage this, I've decided to learn a new language (amongst several other things I'm doing).  The language I chose is Russian.  Unlike m
ore traditional languages such as Spanish or French, this uses an entirely different alphabet, which adds to the fun.  I've been on it for a little over 2 weeks now, using an app called Duolingo.  In truth, the goal for learning Russian will be to conduct business, with the MBA I'm working on, in the future.

I bring these both up because of the constant feedback that each provide.  The deadlift will tell me whether or not I'm able to do it, and it's simple.  The barbell either moves or it doesn't.  For the language, the app tells me when I spell a word incorrectly or identify a word incorrectly, which happens a lot.  But ultimately I feel that success will happen regardless if I keep it up.

What do you do to push yourself?  Most people fear this push rather than thrive on it.  They fear the failure, but forget that you learn from failure.  You don't learn from success, success only allows for goals to be set.

Identify what drives you, what challenges you, and what motivates you.  Decide on it now what you'll do about it and set forth on a quest to be successful.  You'll be all the better for it. 

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