Wednesday, March 8, 2017

A curve-ball to the face

Life can send you into many directions, some of which you prepare for and some that you cannot.  In my previous post, I talked about how life will ultimately kill you in the end.  Here I want to talk about how you need to adapt to life and what happens within it.

My life is generally fairly simple.  It's wake up around 5-6 a.m. most days, go to work and train anywhere between 5 & 10 people (excluding any classes), come home around 5-6 (depending on the day), eat dinner, get the kids ready for bed and to sleep, prepare for the following day, and hopefully spend a little time with my wife.  Most days follow that schedule pretty well without any variation in it.

Trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle when you've got that much going on isn't an easy thing to accomplish.  Yet daily my wife and I generally do that.  She tries to go for a walk with her friends each day around lunch, and if you have ever been to the western North Carolina mountains, you know those walks aren't easy.  I try to lift each day or at least most of them, and I also am pretty active in my boxing & kickboxing classes that I teach.

As you can see, it's pretty busy in general.  Sometimes the difficulty lies in what we eat or not eat.  What I alluded to in my previous post regarding the one individual who gave me a little crap about what I was eating has no idea what I do in my life on a daily basis.  What I know about him is that he's single, no kids, doesn't really have to pour himself emotionally and physically into the people he works with, and lastly can likely spend the time to prepare his meals weekly without having to deal with the chaos of life.

Many live the life that is much more similar to mine than his.  When you're dealing with kids the only consistency is that there is no consistency.  For the record, my oldest is 4 years old, just so you get an idea of the chaos that we deal with.  Planning meals is relatively easy for when I'm at work, it's the home ones that become challenging because of when we get off work or any number of other things.  There have been days where I've been off work first, made dinner, the kids and I ate, and my wife was home a couple-several hours late.  The curve-ball to the face.

If your life is this hectic, you're not alone.  The first step is to identify what you want most, exercising or eating better, you can have both but if you're not used to it it's better to pick one and start there.  With some coaching you can receive a profound difference in your life, but if you try to go it alone you will struggle because it's not like you have enough on your plate.

Welcome to life in all of it's glory.  Just keep up with it and you'll be fine.  

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