Thursday, April 19, 2018

Weight Loss Update

So tomorrow is my final weigh in for the 12 week weight loss challenge that myself and several friends have been a part of. 

I'll tell you that this has definitely seen it's share of highs and lows for the last 12 weeks and I'm reaching the point to where I'm glad that there will be some degree of closure. 

So tomorrow I'll be posting a video update to the status that I've been able to achieve through this process. 

In the video I'll also go into what I've done to get there.  I promise that it hasn't been an easy road, but there are ways that YOU can go about it and achieve similar success! 

I'll be posting live on Facebook at Biblical Wellness!  Likely it'll be tomorrow night around 8 or 9pm EST.  

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

30 Days, 10lbs...can you handle it?

In the next 30 days, do you have any weight loss goals? 

Do you want to have that beach ready body that you've striven to get? 

Do you try each year and find no success? 

What if I told you that in the next 30 days, you can see 10lbs lost?   Would you believe me or would you think I'm BS'ing you? 

It's possible, but you need to be strategic in your approach.  I can honestly attest to you, especially since I've lost my own weight, that we often don't realize how much we are eating until it's too late. 

Take a second to look at your meals....

What's your breakfast look like? Is it a biscuit or something?  I guarantee that it's somewhere in the ballpark of 400-500 calories. 

What about your lunch?  A sandwich and a bag of chips?  Another 500 or so calories. 

What about dinner?  This is probably closer to 1000 calories, depending on what you do. 

Without adding snacks in, I just gave you a quick 2000 calories that you are probably consuming in your day without you realizing. 

So if you want to see a 10lbs change in the next 30 days, contact me for details. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

My top 5's and why

Rather than go through some advice that I often do with these posts, I wanted to go through some of my top 5's and why I chose them.

My top 5 exercises: 
1.  Barbell Back Squat.  This exercise, when done heavy enough and for enough reps, hits pretty much everything.
2.  Pull-ups.  Kind of the upper body's version of the squat.  When done well, hit's everything.
3.  Dead-lift.  The "king" of lifts.  Between the break off of the floor and the amount of muscle it hits, can't forget this one.
4.  Pull-over.  I used to like the bench press and whatnot, but now my shoulder pretty much hates those.  These hit much of my upper body, especially in the front.
5.  Barbell Lunges.  Kind of like the back squat, these can get everything.  Plus you have the added bonus of maintaining your balance throughout.

Top 5 proteins: 
1.  Chicken breast.  You really can't go wrong here, versatile and can be made to taste like everything.
2.  Turkey breast.  This honestly tastes better than chicken, but with less versatility.
3.  Tuna.  This is cheap, easy, and honestly you can't go wrong for the amount of protein for the price.
4.  Protein shakes.  I use Arbonne Essentials,  they taste good and you feel full for awhile afterwards.
5.  Steak.  The killer here is the price.  Most of the time it's more expensive than what I had listed above, but it's still amazing.

Top 5 Extras:
1.  Coffee.  Without it, everyone suffers.
2.  Silence.  Surprisingly misunderstood and unappreciated.
3.  Trucks.  My favorite vehicle.
4.  Muay Thai.  What I do when I don't lift.
5.  Podcasts.  How to learn without anything crazy, like spending money.

Finally, my top 1....the Lord Jesus Christ and His teachings.  This is how I want to live my life, and I want to give my life to Him.

Those are some of my top 5's and why I thought them.  I hope you gain something out of it that's useful and valuable.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Trying something new!

Last Thursday I didn't post via my blog (what you're reading here).  I ended up posting a note on Facebook  and ended up doing fairly well for my first note/post on there.  I haven't decided  on which route I'll be taking more often, so in the next several weeks expect to see both.  I'll post an update here so if you're not following Biblical Wellness on Facebook, then you can still see them. 

I'll also be live streaming an opportunity for my friends on tonight at 9 pm.  SO if you're reading this from my personal Facebook page, you'll be able to see it.  It's definitely a good opportunity for you if you're a veteran, student, stay at home person, or just looking to have some side cash flow.  If you like helping people improve their lives, this may be for you. 

Don't be afraid to try something new.  Even if you're not sure of how it will go, or are afraid to never know what you'll discover. 

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.  
Matthew 6:34 (NIV)